Leadership Training for Supervisors

Roughly 50% of employees that voluntarily leave jobs do so to escape their supervisor.

Our Supervisor Leadership Training and Development Program is the result of more than 30 years of operational experience involving thousands of interactions with front-line managers to identify and understand skills critical to their success.

Supported by a growing body of research, the most important skill that a supervisor can have is social intelligence, or the ability to effectively work with a diverse group of employees for a common purpose. Soft skills are essential to the success of anyone who must achieve performance outcomes through others.

Leadership program objectives

  • Demonstrate the behaviors required to earn the respect of your employees, customers, and peers
  • Create a culture that promotes high levels of employee engagement
  • Put techniques into practice that deliver desired performance outcomes through others

Training that fits your schedule

We can provide training in a variety of formats to fit your unique needs. Our courses are designed specifically for leaders in labor-intensive industries, which we know can be both fast-paced and diverse. Contact us about in-person or virtual training. Virtual training can also be self-paced through our Online Learning Academy.

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